Departments should advise subcontractors of their responsibility to comply with
WVU's Property Management policies and procedures where applicable, unless the
subcontractors have approved systems of their own.
West Virginia University, as a prime contractor, may loan government equipment
to a subcontractor under some circumstances if they have authorization from ONR
or other granting agency.
If loss occurs West Virginia University must compensate the government.
If a subcontractor has a property control system in place that is approved
by the government, the subcontractor's records are accepted as being the
West Virginia University's property records. (West Virginia University is
responsible for ensuring that a subcontractor's property control is adequate.)
If the subcontractor does not have a property control system of its own, West
Virginia University Property Management may write a subcontract relieving
the subcontractor of the risk of loss. (Name any assets provided to a subcontractor
and any subcontractor responsibilities in the subcontract.)