Other Institutional Activities – Space Function Code 010
- Fundraising and income enhancement activities (investments)
- Faculty consulting time
- General public relations activities
- Alumni activities
- Student organization activities. Includes the space associated with student clubs, groups, and cultural/social organizations. This category does not include student organization facilities when they are used for instructional and/or educational purposes.
- Student activities (e.g., intramural sports, student unions, student publications)
- Theaters and auditoria (with the exception of those portions used for specific limited purposes)
- Museums and art galleries
- Chapels and churches
- Staff and Faculty Housing Programs
- Non-sponsored public service
- Auxiliary Activities
- Patient Care (see further explanation of patient care space below)
Below are examples of commonly occurring situations of OIA within an academic department:
Example 1 OIA (Other Institutional Activity): Fundraising
If non-office space is occupied by a person who solicits donations and arranges fundraising campaigns at the department, school or University level, then the room should be coded the appropriate percentage to OIA. Proposal writing is DA if it is to acquire a grant or contract; proposal writing is OIA if it is to obtain a gift.
Example 2 OIA: Visiting Scholars
If a visiting scholar has come to the University with his/her own funding and has been provided non-office space as a courtesy, then the room occupied should be coded the appropriate percentage to OIA. However, if a visiting scholar is working (full- or part-time) on a WVU project or teaching, then the room occupied should be assigned the appropriate percentage to all applicable function codes.
Example 3 OIA: Emeritus Faculty
If an emeritus faculty has been provided non-office space as a courtesy, then the room occupied should be coded the appropriate percentage to OIA. However, if an emeritus faculty is working (full- or part-time) on a WVU project or teaching, then the room occupied should be assigned the appropriate percentage to all applicable function codes.
Patient Care
Patient care should be coded OIA . Patient Care activities are those associated with the diagnosis and treatment of patients, which are not related to Instruction or Organized Research. Patient Care is clinical and usually reimbursed from a health-care provider.
Administrative time expended in support of Patient Care responsibilities should be coded to OIA. Examples of administrative activities include: reviewing charts or dictating patient letters; patient scheduling and billing; and preparation and review of clinic budgets. (If the administrator also performed administrative activities for the academic mission (e.g. instruction and research), these should be coded to DA).
All activities related to a residency program, e.g., interviews, reviewing charts, dictating patient letters, should also be coded as Patient Care.
Please note that apparent care of patients (both inside and outside the School of
Medicine) may be associated with an Organized Research project or a department funded research project. That care related to human subjects should be coded Organized Research or Instruction, not OIA.
Space used for clinical trials should be coded based on the funding of the clinical trial. In many cases this funding, which is provided by a pharmaceutical company, should be coded Organized Research.