Establishing a New Recharge Center
A business plan to establish a recharge center must be submitted to the Budget Planning Committee for review. The Cost & Compliance unit within the Department of Sponsored Projects and Property Administration can provide assistance with the development of a business plan to ensure that rates comply with established guidelines. The request must be approved by the departmental business officer and by the Dean/Director of the College/Organization. A sound business plan should include:
- The recharge center name, physical location and purpose;
- Description of the product or services to be provided to customers;
- Listing of potential customers (University departments, federal grants and contracts, external users, etc.);
- Estimated budget of the proposed recharge center, including:
- Deficit funding source, if applicable; and
- A copy of the proposed charge-out rates and the rate calculation;
- Name(s) and phone number(s) of the person(s) responsible for financial administration of the recharge center; and
- Anticipated start date.